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Gate Aspirants CSE

GATE is considered as the logical Exam and when it comes to Computer Science and Engineering, it is all about logic. So just mugging up concepts and formulae will not work out for this exam. The pattern which every engineering student follows to pass the university exam fails for this examination. This is the most reputed exam for engineering graduates where every year, more than 1 lakh student appear to transform their dreams into reality. But only a few handfuls of students are able to achieve their desired goals due to the high level of competition in the exam. 

Analysing the scores and cutoff of last few years, it is recommended to Computer Science graduates to aim to score at least above 70 marks in order get the call for the interview from IIT's or various PSU's. When you target to score above 70 marks in GATE examination, you need to be perfect, just perfect in


Strategy for preparation



Here are some tips for the GATE 2020 aspirants to achieve a rank under 100 or score above 70 marks

Be Clear with the Motive

So now you want to score 70+, it should not be like today you decided this thing and next day it’s all gone.

Whatever you decide, whatever you plan, stick to it, work on it. That’s all required to realise it.

Subject Knowledge

When you want to secure AIR under 100, each and every subject must be equally important to you.

Even English is also important for preparations. There is nothing like you can leave a subject or a topic. You have to study each and every subject.

Proper Plan is Required

Before making an actual start, just make a plan for each and every subject.

It is suggested to make your own plan instead of a following the plan of other people. It is just because you know your strength and weakness as if you lack in some subject prioritize it in your plan, give more time for revision.

Mathematics section

If you are good at Mathematics, it is easy to score more as this section carries around 15 marks.

But it is not possible to study Maths in just 15- 20 days and become a genius. So the better approach is to devote atleast 2 hours daily for Mathematics.

The topics which require extra attention are Permutation & Combination and Probability. 

General Aptitude Section

The common thing about all aspirants is everyone will prepare the core subject i.e., DAA, DS, OS, DBMS etc. but the thing which will make you topper is preparing a bit extra from everyone.

You should prepare all these subjects too, but pay good focus on General Aptitude section.

It is easy to score full marks as try to give around half an hour a day or 3 hours a week to prepare it.


While preparation, the main mistake a student made is “No proper Revision”. As  GATE is a time-bounded exam, you should have all the concepts on your tips.

Revision of already learned concept is equally important to learning new concepts. There is no meaning or benefit of learning new concept if you are not having command on them.

Formula and Short Notes

When you target to be in TOP 100, the last two months plays a very important role in that.

So while revision, the best thing which is going to save a lot of time is short notes and formula sheets.

Try to get a habit of making short notes for each and every subject while studying it, and limit the length of notes.

Practice, Practice & Practice

There is an old saying that “there is no meaning in learning until you know how to apply it.”

The same is applied to GATE preparation. Try a lot of questions, while solving the question try to strive the concept behind it, it will help you in solving related problems.

There are basically two things for practice:

Mock Test

Try to give a good number of mock test, to manage the exam temperament and to deal with the real-time environment.

Take each and every mock seriously as you are appearing for the GATE exam and learn from the mistakes there.

Analyse your Accuracy, speed, time management and improve accordingly.

Previous Year Questions

Try to solve at least last 15 year papers which will give an idea about the level of your preparation.

Whenever you learn any concept, try to solve previous year questions for that concept for its better understanding.

Attitude Defines Your Success

The most important thing to crack any exam depends on how the aspirants deal or behave in those final exams hours.

So your attitude and approach should be positive, you should trust yourself.

The way you deal with exam clearly reflect in your results. Sometimes, student calculates the correct answers but due to pressure and anxiety, they mark the wrong answer or inputs wrong numerical value.

Always try to avoid such mistakes if you want to be part of Top 100. Just try to remain calm, Stay Positive and have faith in your preparations.

"The roads to success and failure are almost the same,

The thing which makes a difference is your attitude"


- Shivam Mishra


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