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Will life ever be the same again?

Stay at home, work from home
The fact is, even before COVID-19 became the catalyst, there were quite a number of employers already embracing the ever-evolving technologies that make WFH an option for their employees. They recognized that it’s no longer necessary to have employees be in an office full-time to be productive contributor to a team. Indeed, many kinds of work can be done just as effectively, if not more so, from home or anywhere.
But this time, WFH was not an option but mandatory. Were employers and employees ready for workplace changes?
Let’s take a quick look at the top challenges faced by employees versus business leaders/owners working from home:
barriers working from home
Barriers to effective communication top the challenges faced by both employees and business leaders/owners. Both groups also pointed out insufficient facilities, tools and devices; and that the home environment is not conducive to work as the other top challenges faced.
Surprisingly, lack of trust came up last in the challenges faced by employees and business leaders/owners. With that in mind, we predict there will be a significant surge in WFH post the COVID-19 crisis, as more investment is poured into digitalisation of business processes, infrastructure and tools.
Leading yourself
Working from home can be overwhelming, especially when you have family to take care of. Here are the 3Ps on how you can regain your focus in leading yourself in navigating through the uncertainties.
Take proactive action
Be proactive in responding to challenges and that include self-learning and upskilling. First, focus on your circle of influence and within your circle of influence, consciously and constantly create and deliver values. How can you perform better, faster, smarter to deliver on the promise of excellent service? Be good, do good and you will put the company in the best possible position to navigate new strategic choices.
Take pragmatic action
Take pragmatic actions in dealing with uncertainty. Do something practical in support of your company’s success. With all the time saved in commuting, the one or two hours could be used for planning and thinking to possibly come up with a better and more innovative way to get your work done.
Take prioritisation seriously
Work-life balance is a state of mind and emotion and it can only be achieved when we prioritise. It’s when you are emotionally balanced, that you are at your best to deliver value to both work and life.
Leading your organisation
Let’s face it, COVID-19 is not a one-off challenge. Business leaders and owners should expect additional phases to the current epidemic and additional epidemics in the future.
Interestingly, both employees and business leaders/owners indicate that their preference in opting for WFH in the future at 47% and 51% respectively. This is a strong indicator that more business leaders and owners are finally doing away with the myth of “productivity suffers when employees WFH”.
At the same time, the time saved on commuting to and fro work, both groups could use it for something beneficial to their personal or professional life, be it spending quality time with love ones, meditation or prayer to enhance our spiritual wellbeing, learn a new skill or simply spend some quality time to think and crystalize our strategic plans to help the organization implement something better.
Post COVID-19 war: What will life be like?
COVID-19 has shaken the world and awakened many of us to face a new reality, even a new age of civilisation called the emerging Age of Wisdom. We have passed through first, the Hunter and Gatherer Age; second, the Agriculture Age; third, the Industrial Age; fourth, the Information/Knowledge Worker Age; and finally arriving at the Age of Wisdom.
To survive, thrive, innovate, excel and lead in this reality, we will need to embrace a new mindset, skillset and toolset - in other words, a new way of life.
The choices you make today dictate the life you live tomorrow. To all of you out there, be it business leaders, business owners, or employees, we are living in the Age of Wisdom, make your choice wisely!

-Shivam Mishra


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