1). PHISHING: • One of the most insidious techniques used today is Phishing. It's hard to find the person that doesn't know what phishing is. However lot of users still getting tricked by the hackers. • Phishing implies the replication of the website with the aim of stealing money or personal information. And once a user enters his credit card details in that fake website, a hacker can get access to those details and will be able to use those information for his own benefit. 2). Viruses and Malicious Codes: • Hacker's can almost crawl into any website and leave in its database malware or insert code into website files. • There is a huge variety of viruses, and each may impact the infected websites differently. 3). UI Redress: • This technique is similar to the phising; but in this case a hacker could create a fake hidden user int...
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