Today the web is full of such tools, but it is best to focus on the ones with a very good track record over the years. With that in mind, I'll limit myself to the top four, or better yet, the top 4 from my point of view.
If you don't like my choice, you can share yours in the comment section and let's have a worthy discussion.
How to search for a face or face on the web
You can use any of these free facial recognition search engines to find faces on the internet:
1- PimEyes
2- PicTriev
3- BetaFace
4- Google images
1. PimEyes
Having the ability to search for faces from over 10 million websites is an incredible superpower, and that's what PimEyes will show you. Yes, it is very similar to Google Search in how it works, but if you are not a fan of the Silicon Valley guys, then PimEyes is a great alternative.
Interestingly, users can search with four different photos at the same time to narrow down the results.
2. PicTriev
I found PicTriev to be quite different from the others because it focuses on celebrities that you look like. If you want to determine what celebrity you can look like, PicTriev is your best option. Just upload your photo or add it via a URL and you're done.
Please note that it only supports JPEG image format, and the size should be up to 200KB. If your image is larger, make it smaller through an image editor before continuing with your plan.
3. BetaFace
What we have here at BetaFace is a program similar to PicTriev in how it identifies photos. Just upload the image, or use a live URL, and from there, the search engine will show similar or the same faces in no time.
If necessary, the user can go one step further by comparing BetaFace faces with other search engines like Wikipedia and others. It's the perfect online tool for those who want to compare photos in bulk, although I doubt many will use it for that.
In terms of speed, well, it all depends on the settings you have selected. Choose the best option for the best quality, but you should expect processing to take a little longer than usual.
4. Google images
By now, we should all have heard of Google Search, as it is the number one search engine platform on the planet. Also, I imagine you must have heard of Google Images or Google Images, but did you know that there is the possibility of searching with an image instead of text? If possible.
When visiting the website, you can choose to click on the camera icon to upload an image and then search. Your search results are likely to show the exact image or similar ones. You see, this is great for when you want to search for a particular face, and since this is Google, the chances of success are quite high.
There are other ways to improve your search results. After searching for an image, add "& type = face" to the URL and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard, and voila, magic.
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