GATE is considered as the logical Exam and when it comes to Computer Science and Engineering, it is all about logic. So just mugging up concepts and formulae will not work out for this exam. The pattern which every engineering student follows to pass the university exam fails for this examination. This is the most reputed exam for engineering graduates where every year, more than 1 lakh student appear to transform their dreams into reality. But only a few handfuls of students are able to achieve their desired goals due to the high level of competition in the exam. Analysing the scores and cutoff of last few years, it is recommended to Computer Science graduates to aim to score at least above 70 marks in order get the call for the interview from IIT's or various PSU's. When you target to score above 70 marks in GATE examination, you need to be perfect, just perfect in Planning Strategy for preparation Practice Knowledge Here are some tips for the GATE 20...
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